State Outdoor Business Alliance Network
Outdoor business alliances across the country—from Alaska to New Mexico, North Carolina to Maine, Michigan to Idaho—have
joined forces to elevate the vital importance of a thriving outdoor industry.
Outdoor Recreation is an economic powerhouse.
Contributing $459.8 billion to the U.S. economy and providing 5.2 million jobs earning more than $226.3 billion dollars.

The vision for America’s outdoor recreation economy that includes robust businesses, thriving outdoor places, and equitable outdoor recreation opportunities can be realized in every state. SOBAN prepared this report to inspire pathways for the outdoor recreation economy in every state.

The State Outdoor Business Alliance Network strives to strengthen America’s outdoor recreation economy in ways that leverage the interlinked potential of commerce, infrastructure, and participation.
SOBAN focuses on what can best be accomplished together through collaboration on policy and advocacy, research and branding, leadership and partnerships, and sector development. Outdoor business alliances share knowledge, opportunities, and best practices, working alongside national industry partners and state offices of outdoor recreation.
SOBAN’s vision for America’s outdoor recreation economy includes robust businesses, thriving outdoor places, and equitable outdoor recreation opportunities for all people.

Special thanks to the members who dedicated time and resources as well as contributed extensive knowledge to help inspire the future of the outdoor recreation economy.
Thank you to our funders who’s support helped make this report happen.
REI Foundation
Outdoor Industry Association
Outdoor Foundation
The report was produced by Headwaters Economics, an independent nonprofit research group.